International Cowboy Church Alliance Network - ICCAN

Spreading the love of Jesus...the Cowboy Way!


Donn Jibben



As cattle ranchers and exhibitors we all know the value of good seedstock.  For us, understanding and seeing the value of the DNA and the characteristic traits of good seedstock simply seems to come natural to all of us. It’s like a natural gift from God isn’t it?

But unlike our seedstock, we as human beings have been created with a much higher calling, value and DNA code.  We have been created in the very image of God himself.  Created with an intellect, will, and emotions and we have been beautifully woven together by the hand of our creator as eternal beings.  No matter what the situation is of our birth or life’s circumstances, none of us are a mistake or an accident. We are God’s very own workmanship.  And this my fellow cattlemen and ladies, means that your life has great value, meaning and purpose!

We see a beautiful picture of this truth in the Book of Psalms describing God’s personal design of each one of us.

 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.  All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be” (Psalm 139:13-16).

 God has so precisely planned for the detailed development of your physical makeup.  We believe that God our creator has also given to us at conception our interests, abilities, perspectives and enthusiasm that make us think, act and feel the way we do, in the same way our DNA brings forth our physical characteristics.

This is discovered in the study of twins. The Readers Digest carried an article entitled, “The Mysterious Bonds of Twins” in their January 1980 issue that presents this very truth.  One revealing paragraph reads as follows:

“Identical twin boys, born in Ohio some 40 years ago, were adopted by different families shortly after birth. A year ago, after 39 years apart, they united.  It was discovered that each had been names James; that each had had law-enforcement training; that each liked mechanical drawing and carpentry.  Each married a woman names Linda, has a son – one named James Alan and the other James Allan – had divorced, and then married a second wife named Betty.  Both had dogs named Toy.  Also both favored the same St Petersburg, FL, vacation spot.”

Clearly, something, far greater than external influences were involved, something, we believe, built in at conception by our creator God. What value does this truly add to life at conception? Life at conception is priceless!  What a unique expression and powerful picture of God’s involvement in our personal development and of the value of who we truly are!

God uses what scientists today call DNA in our formation process.  Every single detail of our physical being, giftings and interests have been uniquely programmed and woven together by the DNA that God himself predestined for us to have.  Did you know that the intricacies of your very own personal DNA far outweigh the most sophisticated computer on the market today? 

We all have been gifted by God’s grace and are important and valuable to God. Our lives truly have great value and worth! We must understand this if we are ever going to fulfill God’s very purposes in our lives.

Here Is A Few Facts About The Human Body’s Makeup Called DNA.

  • 7.5 trillion cells.  More complex than the most advanced computer.
  • Each cell has 200 million tiny groups of atoms called protein molecules.
  • Largest molecule is called DNA.  It carries hereditary information from the parents to the offspring.  It also carries the genetic code.
  • DNA in one cell is about 6 feet long.  Ones total DNA would fill a box the size of an ice cube, but if it is joined together would reach to the sun and back 400 times.
  • All our cells contain the information found in all the other cells.  Each cell in our body carries all necessary information for another you
  • If the coded DNA information and instructions of one human were translated in to English, it would fill a 1000 volume encyclopedia.
  • In cell division the cell forms a rotating double-helix.  It rotates at 75 turns per second.  Yet, the cells duplication is so accurate that is it equivalent to a rate of less than one letter per entire set of Encyclopedia Britannica.

So today you may be asking yourself this question, “how much I am really worth-what’s my true value?”  The truth is, God Himself has given His personal, intimate, precious attention and devotion towards you.  He created you in your mother’s womb as His very own workmanship!  He himself was personally and deeply involved in your creation process. Your life therefore has great value, meaning and purpose!  So much so, that God sent His only Son to die as a ransom just for you!  His love for you is sacrificial and unmeasurable and your life therefore has great meaning, value and purpose!


THIS IS THE VALUE OF YOU!                                                                                                                                  

In Christ’s love                                                                                                                                                 Donn Jibben,                                                                                                                                                   Hope For The Rancher.

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