Thank you Rocky for your love and dedication to this ministry.
ICCAN will always honor your memory in our hearts.
Traveled full-time throughout the country as a Christian Country recording artist and songwriter and is the Founding Director of ICCAN.
Visit Rocky's website: www.rockymorris.com
"Have a heart for the Cowboy Church ministry and want see it expand around the globe. All of us at ICCAN are here to pray for you and assist you anyway we can."
Happy Trails...Rocky
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Happy Birthday from your ICCAN family!
Greetings Rocky; may the favor of Christ be in your life today, to do his will on this earth, and be filled with his Holy Spirit with the gifts to accomplish the work he has u doing with a humble heart. God Bless Rev.William Clites
Beautiful song Rocky! You are missed by so many~ but, somehow I know you are working with the Lord to come and get us all! See you then!!
I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me
Howdy Folks Although I cannot be with you in South Carolina today I pause here in California to reflect on the life of a friend, husband, father, musician, minister, and a true man of God. Although we share great sadness remember what Rocky would say "I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me" My Gods love prevail today. Pastor John
Thank You
Sorry for the bad spelling, should be Gods Way not Gos way
Thank you for the welcome. My wife & I have been called into the equine minestry to help disable adults and children. we have received Gods calling and have herd His voice with-in to seek out a church which we can mentor under. What an awsome juorney going Gos way.
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