International Cowboy Church Alliance Network - ICCAN

Spreading the love of Jesus...the Cowboy Way!

Greetings All! Thank you so much for those who have visited us on AFCM BlogSpot. We sincerely trust you were blessed by our post and that you will continue to follow us here.  As previously stated we are attempting to share things that will relate to our current events in our nation as well as the world as they relate to the scriptures.  We hope to shed a little Light (The Word) that will address these events and encourage you in the "Word" with the "Word". John 1 clearly stated that "In the beginning was the Word." In verse 14 he declares that the "Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." John was speaking of coarse  of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Jesus was in the Word and the Word was in HIM. Today that same "Word" must be "IN" us and we must manifest the same power He had. Think on this as we continue our previous post.
God Bless


                          WE NEED A HEALING Part 1

2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version (KJV)
      14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek    my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
In our previous Blog Post we pointed out that there are 6 things that must be done that we might see a healing of our land (America, the Earth, etc.).  The two we mentioned were 1) Establish our Identity as "His People" and 2) be "called by HIS name." In both of these we are now Identified as to who we are. By the calling of us to be his people (Elect, Bride, Church, Christian, Nation, etc.) we bear HIS Name. We are not Identified by a race, sect of religion, Republican or Democrat but BY HIS NAME!
Isaiah prophesied it in Chapter 9 and verses 6-7.  He said "the government shall be upon HIS shoulders and of the greatness and peace there shall be no end". In God We Trust shall never be stricken from our hearts if this nation (USA) is going to survive as "One Nation Under God!" AMEN.


                           FOUR MORE STEPS


We have become a proud people. Now do not misunderstand me.  There is nothing wrong about being proud to be an American and being in the land of the free. Nothing wrong with the honor we bestow on our leaders, ministries, families and fellow man.  That we should do.  I'm talking about a "prideful spirit".  haughty, high-minded, arrogant and having no need for God and one another. I'm talking about the pride that goes before a fall. The pride that judges one another and tries to lower others beneath us thereby putting us all in bondage to the law of sin and death. Israel of old found themselves in such a place and they were in bondage for a large part of their history. John in the letters to the Church at Laodicea wrote that God was displeased with them for they said they were "rich and had need of nothing".  God said He would spew them out of His mouth for they were blind, poor and naked". We as God's People must maintain a Godly humility and honor Him as well as love one another with a broken and contrite spirit. Jesus humbled himself to the Father BEFORE men. We must seek the Lord for that kind of humility and God will honor us as Sons.
Do we pray? I am sure many do at sometime of the day in some way or another.  We ask the Lord for our "daily bread" and forgiveness from our sins.  We pray for our friends and families, prayer request and over our food.  But, do we really pray an intercessory prayer and "lament" over the conditions of our nation and the world we live in?  Do we "cry out" through and in the Spirit as did Jeremiah and  our Savior did when they wept (cried out) over Jerusalem. In this scripture the writer is saying that "the people(nation) who are called by His name(identity)" must "CRY OUT" or "LAMENT" over the conditions we see today in our land. Simply praying for our leaders, pastors, families and even ones self is not enough. THERE MUST COME A CRYING OUT UNTO GOD OUR FATHER IF WE ARE GOING TO SEE OUR LAND HEALED.
What is the FACE OF GOD? Jacob in Genesis 32:33 proclaimed he had seen the face of God when he had wrestled with a man and the hollow of his thigh was out of joint and he received a new name. He was called Israel from that day forward and became the father of a nation. Moses previously had "hid" his face from seeing God's face. Later in the book of Genesis after he had entered into the Holy of Holies and seen God's glory he had to vail His face before the people (Ex: 34:33-35, 2 Cor:13-16).  These scriptures indicate to me that when one "sees God's face it brings about a change. A change of mind, heart, walk and appearance. To  seek God's face is to come to  a place of change. The only thing that can bring about that kind of change is "THE WORD". The FACE of GOD is "HIS WORD".  The WORD is GOD (John 1:1-3).  The WORD became FLESH in  Jesus (John1:14). God was "veiled" in the flesh of Jesus the Son of God! At Calvary he laid down HIS flesh (the veil) and the "veil" in the temple was rent making it possible for us to enter into God's presence to "seek His face". THE FACE OF GOD IS HIS WORD as we previously stated in Part 1. I AM ...JESUS...THE WORD OF GOD.
Now let's look at the Tabernacle Plan given to Moses for Israel in the Wilderness. The I AM represents the OUTER COURT wherein is the ALTAR (fire) and THE LAVER (water). JESUS represents the HOLY PLACE wherein is the SHEWBREAD (Bread of Life), THE CANDLESTICK (Light of the World) and the ALTAR OF INCENSE ( The Accepted Sacrifice). The HOLY OF HOLIES represents THE WORD OF GOD (ARK with the Law, The Rod of the High Priest and Hidden Manna) and MERCY SEAT with 2 Cherubim where God's Glory dwelt.
Please consider these things and feel free to comment.  Thanks for reading.
Gene Tatum


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