International Cowboy Church Alliance Network - ICCAN

Spreading the love of Jesus...the Cowboy Way!

JUST FOR TODAY:This time for the great Revival is NOW!!!


JUST FOR TODAY: The time for the great Revival is NOW!! It's time for believers to be DOERS!! This standing around while folks are dieing and going to Hell has got to stop. It's time for a "crisis of believe" to cause people to take action and come to Christ and for those that have come to let the living water given to them flow out of them to others!! Pray about this....please......and don't let up. Get up this ...mornin' , be on fire for the Lord, go to church SOMEWHERE,.....PRAY!!!........AND WORSHIP!!!  One person on fire for the Lord can cause a domino effect; YOU just might be the one person to crack the door open with your enthusiasm enough for the Holy Spirit to blow it wide open!!!  If you don't have a home church, GET ONE!!  COWBOY COUNTRY CHURCH is located at 4092 Norge Road, Chickasha, Oklahoma.  Come with the great expectation of God touching you and changing not only your life, but those around you as well.  LET THE LIVING WATERS FLOW!!!  ~Pastor Lynn


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Comment by Lynn D. Walker on November 18, 2011 at 12:12pm

Howdy Susan,

   You have no cowboy churches in the Sacramento area?  I see more of an opportunity than a problem in this.  Have you ever thought about planting a cowboy church yourself?  Pray about this and let me know what you think.  I would be glad to help you in any way that I can.  You know that all things are possible with God and that He IS on the move.  He might just want to move through YOU.  Let me know how you want me to pray about this.  Blessings, ~Pastor Lynn

Comment by Susan Adair-Shankle on November 15, 2011 at 5:05pm

Amen!! Thanks for posting. I wished I lived in the south and could go to all these Cowboy churches. I am in Sacramento area, CA. No cowboy churches here that I know of. I am a horse trainer and can travel if need to as I live in a RV so I am hoping one day that the good Lord will move me down south near my family and where all the good Revival and Cowboy churches are. :)

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