by Lahry Sibley
Php 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
You cannot get this "will" and "do"ing from any other source but HIM. It only comes from one place, and it only comes one way. THE CROSS. If you have not been to the CROSS to SUBMIT to it's DEATH to SIN AND SELF. then your desire to do HIS will is a religious conclusion and decision, and nothing more. You can say the "sinner's" prayer from now until the LORD comes again, and it will PROFIT YOU NOTHING!!!
YESHUA said, "you must be born again". HE did not say, "you must get saved". You cannot be "born again", without there being a death to self and sin (repentance) FIRST. Death to the OLD, comes before life to the NEW. And this death is a DAILY thing, a continual thing, so that only HIS life, HIS divinely inspired WILL, remains, for HIS GOOD PLEASURE.
PLEASE NOTICE; it does not say "YOUR GOOD PLEASURE"! Dying is PAINFUL. Until it is FINISHED. when will it be FINISHED? WHEN WE ENDURE IT TO THE END!!!!
Please let me testify. I was born a schemer. I plotted, planned, worked hard at it, blah, blah, blah. HAYAH (I AM) has been soooooooo faithful to me. Why? Because HE has seen fit to patiently and continually CRUSH the LIFE out of my plans and schemes. My TROUBLES are primarily the RESULT of my BAD CHOICES, and the consequences of those choices that often last a lifetime. No one to blame but myself.
Everything that I wanted and dreamed about has come to NOUGHT!!!!! Why? Because they were/are works of the flesh. HE WILL NOT ACCEPT WORKS OF THE FLESH any more than HE will accept SIN.
The only remedy for all of this is DEATH. "Except a man LOSE his/her life, he/she cannot KEEP IT!!!!! This order cannot be broken. And HE will only infill with the spirit of OBEDIENCE (DOING HIS WILL) to those who have SUBMITTED, and submit DAILY TO SELF DENIAL and following HIM. All other schemes and plans are carnal, and the cannot be accepted. HE only accepts a LIVING SACRIFICE. What is your daily witness? It is this, and this only:
We just show up each day, and take orders, obey HIM. Once we die, and HE infills, HE brings with HIM, a passionate desire to please the FATHER (ABBA). Just like one's desire to please their spouse. It is not something you learn in a book. It is what HE IS in YOU. That, dear brother and sister, is the HOPE OF GLORY!!!!! ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We give up and die, when we finally realize, as I have, that there is nothing that will succeed, except DEATH. So we expire, and die, every day. Then the life we live is spontaneously HIS life, set before us.
PLEASE LISTEN. The very fact that your plans, and what "YOU WANT" are being CRUSHED all about you, is evidence that HE is PATIENTLY doing EVERYTHING HE CAN, as gently as HE CAN to get YOU and I to the CROSS. HE IS NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR PLANS, NOR MINE. HE is only interested in one thing. YOUR DEATH, MY DEATH. Because it is HIS sovereign autonomy that the new birth, and the new life, can only follow our death. Unless you have been and are daily CRUCIFIED with the MESSIAH, you have no new life, and no hope of inheritance. YOU ARE NOT BORN AGAIN. Your confession of faith matters NOT, if there is no evidence of HIS life within you.
The evidence of a truly converted soul, is OBEDIENCE FROM A HEART THAT IS PASSIONATE ABOUT KEEPING WITHIN THEMSELVES THE LIFE OF LOVE AND OBEDIENCE (HIS GOVERNMENT) , in all we say and do. Show me someone who seeks to know more how they may please HIM through obedience, no matter the COST, and I'll show you someone who really KNOW'S HAYAH (I AM). Not to BE justified, but as proof positive that we HAVE BEEN justified.
1Jn 2:3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
Heb 5:9
And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;
HIS salvation plan, is for the obedient. Do you see that? So is the TREE OF LIFE.
Rev 22:14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
Thank you for the kind encouragement. That you were blessed, is my joy. Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)
Very, very, VERY good word!! Salute to His good pleasure!! ~Pastor Lynn
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