FROM THE PASTOR'S PORCH: The Mystery of being "Saved"! Last week we talked about the mystery of being "born again" and How Jesus told Necodemus that we cannot see or enter the Kingdom of God unless we are "born again". We also discovered that being "born again" means to be born of the Spirit and not re-born of the flesh. So now we know the Mystery of entering into and seeing the Kingdom of G...od. What we didn't uncover was how does being "born again" happen. Can we buy this, can we win it, can we earn this or work for it, can we get born again by being “good enough”?? Another great Mystery!!! The answer to the above questions is an absolute NO! There is no buying, or winning, or any amount of working that can give us a Spiritual birth. Jesus said in John 3:15, "....whosoever believeth in Him should not periesh, but have eternal life. Not really much of a Mystery is it? You know, God did not ever intend for it to be hard for you and I to be "saved", have eternal life and a close Relationship with Him. "Whosoever"....that means any one; no matter what your age, your color, or your nationality might be, YOU can be Saved!! But How??? The key word is "Believeth". All we have to do is BELIEVE!! That's right, if we will only believe. Is that all there is to it? There has to be more to it than that? Oh, that's what Satan would like for you to believe. He would Love for you to believe that you are too bad of a person for God to every forgive you or Love you. The truth is, God has always Loved you and He always will. Why do you think he sent his son to die on the cross of Calvary for you. Let's take a look at John 3:16~ "For God so Loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life". So now you know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Mystery solved!! We not only know how to be saved, which is totally by FAITH in the Son of God, we also even know why, because of God's Love. You see, Salvation is a free gift from God. We must understand that our God Love's us and that He is a Giver. The big question for you today is are you a RECIEVER?? There are only two kinds of people in the world; Recievers and Rejectors. Which one are YOU? There is no Mystery to the fact that you must recieve God's Salvation as a free gift, or do without it. I pray that you have made the right choice. Blessings, ~Pastor Lynn
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