International Cowboy Church Alliance Network - ICCAN

Spreading the love of Jesus...the Cowboy Way!

FROM THE PASTOR'S PORCH: Hear thy father's instruction!!

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FROM THE PASTOR'S PORCH: Hear the instruction of thy Father!

    What do you get when you cross a parrot with a Tiger?  I don't know....but when it talks, you better listen.  This old joke reminds me of my father, L. M. Walker.  He was a pretty quiet man most of the time. He worked hard and minded his own business.  But when he did say something, you better sure 'nuff pay attention.  Especially if you happen to be his son.  He did not tolerate disrespect or disobedience.  I guess being raised in that manner, I tended to raise my own children in the same way.  Should a father expect absolute and immediate obedience from his children?   I'm sure there are various opinions on the subject, but my oldest daughter, Holly, just celebrated her 36th birthday this month, and she wouldn't be here today if she had not heard and obeyed the instructions of her father. 

     When she was a little girl, about three or four years old, we were living in Ardmore, Oklahoma and they had just built a new McDonald's there. We pulled in and parked on the East side of the building.  Holly and her older brother, Travis, were very excited about the prospect of getting a burger and possibly some ice cream.  When Holly exited the old '74 Grand Torino, she bolted down the north side of the car heading for the entrance to her favorite eating establishment.  She could not see and was not looking for any danger, but I saw a young man pull into the South entrance and he was hot rodding  his souped up muscle car through the parking lot.  I was instantly terrified.  I could not get to her in time, so all I could do was yell one single command to her........STOP!!!   It all happened so fast!  She locked up like a bird dog on point, and the speeding car whizzed harmlessly in front of her as she stood at the very rear end of our vehicle.  My heart was about to jump out of my chest, but my daughter was safe.  I remember picking her up and holding her so tight and thanking God that she was alive and unharmed!

    The Word of God says in Proverbs 1:8 ~ “....hear the instruction of thy father.....”.  There are many parents today that have not taught their children to listen to them.  You see them all the time chasing their kids around yelling, “come here.....stop that....come better stop that....” and on and on and on.  And the kid just keep on going and doing what ever it is he wants to do. This is not only annoying, but it is downright dangerous as well. The moral of the story is that children should be taught to listen and obey their parents.  That being said, what about you?  Are you listening to your Heavenly Father?

    Now we all have problems and no one escapes them, but if your life is a total wreck and you are miserable with the way your life has turned out, chances are you have not been listening to Father God.  All of mankind dreams up ways of living that seem right to them, but if they are contrary to the Word of God, they will lead to destruction!!  The good news is that God can restore the years that the locust have eaten.  In other words, it's never to late to start listening to your Heavenly Father and start living a life of Protection and Peace. Don't put it off; start listening to Him today, and He will start watching out for the the speeding disasters in your life.  All things are possible with God.  Blessings, ~Pastor Lynn   


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