International Cowboy Church Alliance Network - ICCAN

Spreading the love of Jesus...the Cowboy Way!

I have preached funerals where I was not sure if the person was saved...that is say they

were not to my knowlege nor to anyone else who were close to the person...and then have

one of thier loved ones ask .." Do You think he is gone to Heaven?"
Or to have a young child ask you if thier pet is gone to Heaven after being hit by a car...or
where that favorite horse ends up.....I have read my scripture and I have listened to many

schools of thought on the subject and heard some very heated debates on whether or not

there will be equine grazing in those greener pastures.....I . for one, hope so....and the older I
get the more room I have for the possibilities that God affords us....perhaps there is no fool

like an old one....but I sure hope some of my friends made it that noone was real sure would

get know.." Judge Not lest you be , and so on.....

Since there have been no discussions entered here ...I offer this one....I know there are Pastors out

there that have been asked some hard questions about the hearafter.

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I too, hope there is equine grazing in greener pastures. I believe our pets are there. If the person was not saved before their departure, I believe we will know if they are waiting there for us on the other side. If the person was not saved and that is revealed to us in the end, and we find out they are not  waiting for us, then God will give us the tools and strength to make it through that as He did here on earth. Just my opinion. May God give you and all pastors, the wisdom to answer those difficult questions that we all ask.

It seems like the people we love the most,like our family  members and friends, are the ones we find the hardest to settle the question of salvation with. That is why it is crucial that we make sure that we do our part in telling them the good news today, so that we do not have to worry or wonder about them tomorrow.

       All that I have seen, in the Bible,about hosses in heaven, is in Rev.19 , verses 11 and 14.God bless us and teach us now and foever.


I've often wondered how horses got in heaven since they were created on earth and named by Adam. I guess it's possible God also created some in heaven but there's no mention of that. 


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Hard Questions For A Pastor 6 Replies

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